Nuchal translucency

In the third month, specifically between 11th and 14th week of gestation we perform ultrasound for the measurement of thw nuchal translucency, which measurw the thickness of the liquor beneath the skin on the neck of the fetus. If this is found thick, there is increased likelihood syndrome Down. The probability is higher in older women.…

3D-4D Ultrasound

Nowadays, the technology allow us to have three-dimensional imaging of the fetus. The three-dimensional image (3D) resulting from the composition of  two-dimensional images. In more sophisticated machines we can watch the fetus in real time three-dimensional (4D), which means seeing the fetus moving. The advantage of 3D three-dimensional and four dimensional4D ultrasound is that it gives us pleasure to watch the fetus, the developing baby in real time to move in its natural environment. In our dispensary, we enjoy the opportunities in a modern color ultrasound machine SIEMENS X500.The couple is able to watch every appointment of the baby in three-dimensional, moving in four-dimensional live in the area and…

Epidural anesthesia

Nowadays, epidural anesthesia is considered the most effective method of releasing rate from the pain of childbirth. The fact that the woman is awake, in full awareness of confinement while is completely relaxed with no pain, it is a very positive effect, physically and psychologically at her and the fetus. Many studies have shown that epidural anesthesia…