Two-way trafficking of Annexin V positive cells between mother and fetus: determination of apoptosis at delivery

Two-way trafficking of Annexin V positive cells between mother and fetus: determination of apoptosis at delivery. Kolialexi A1, Tsangaris GT, Anagnostopoulos A, Chondros D, Bagiokos V, Kitsiou S, Kanavakis E, Mavrou A. Abstract OBJECTIVES: The aim of this study was to quantitate apoptosis in maternal circulation and umbilical cord blood (UCB) at delivery. The proportion of fetal cells in maternal blood as well…


Application of proteomics for the identification of differentially expressed protein markers for Down syndrome in maternal plasma.

Application of proteomics for the identification of differentially expressed protein markers for Down syndrome in maternal plasma. ( Εφαρμογή της πρωτεομικής για την αναγνώριση πρωτεϊνικών δεικτών του συνδρόμου Down στο μητρικό πλάσμα). Kolialexi A, Tsangaris GT, Papantoniou N, Anagnostopoulos AK, Vougas K, Bagiokos V, Antsaklis A, Mavrou A. Abstract BACKGROUND: Despite the large impact of ultrasonographic and biochemical markers on prenatal screening,…


RASSF1A in maternal plasma as a molecular marker of preeclampsia

RASSF1A in maternal plasma as a molecular marker of preeclampsia Papantoniou N, Bagiokos V, Agiannitopoulos K, Kolialexi A, Destouni A, Tounta G, Kanavakis E, Antsaklis A, Mavrou A. Source 1st Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Athens University School of Medicine, Athens, Greece. Abstract OBJECTIVES: This study aimed to quantitate cell free (cf) and cell free fetal (cff) DNA in maternal plasma by determining…


Polycystic Ovary Syndrome

Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS) is a condition characterized by disorders of period (menstruation) and elevated levels of androgens (male hormones) in women. These elevated androgen levels can sometimes cause increased hair growth, acne, disorders of ovulation or fertility problems (difficulties in conception). This situation occurs in 5-10% of women. Although the PCOS) is not completely…


Recurrent miscarriages

A miscarriage is the spontaneous end of a pregnancy before the fetus has grown enough to be able to survive independently. The limit of viability is set at the 24th week of pregnancy with a total duration of pregnancy set at 40 weeks counting from the 1st day of the woman’s menstrual cycle. Recurrent miscarriages…


Endoscopic and laparoscopic surgery

All laparoscopic and hysteroscopic surgeries are performed by Dr. Bagiokos and it’s surgical team that operates in Hospitals equipped with the most sophisticated medical tools. These surgeries  are very precise and require short hospitalization time. Advantages of above surgical interventions •   Short hospitalization time (from a few hours up to 24 hours), less cost and less…


Clinical Infertility

Infertility shows an increasing rate for many modern couples. Approximately 15% of the couples that attempt to have a baby face an infertility problem. Reproductive medicine has come to provide solutions in male problems, female problems and to infertility of unknown cause. The objective of Dr Bagiokos and his Fertility Team ( Dr. Kalogirou I.…
